white hat SEO checklist for beginner [2022]

white hat SEO checklist

If you are a beginner on Search engine optimization (SEO) looking for full white hat SEO checklist and trying to develop your skill or know about SEO all sectors. you can check out the list and get start your learning from YouTube, Google, Books or SEO expert. In this article i will show you the category of SEO by menus and submenus. let’s go and discuss about our main topic.

Complete menu & submenu for white hat SEO checklist.

1.Understand SEO

• What is Search Engine?
• How search engine works?
• What is SEO?
• How does it work?
• Different types of SEO for different types of
• What are the characteristics of an

2.Know about the Google SERP

• How does Google search work?
• What is SERP?
• Why Understanding SERPs is Important ?
• Traditional SERP Features
• Advanced SERP Features

3.Domain & Hosting

• What is Domain
• What is Hosting
• Why you need a Website?
• How to select a domain for your business?
• Expired domain research

5.Business Branding or Self-Branding

• What is Branding?
• Why you need it?
• Create your or company brand profiles.
• Find your self or company in Google
• Introducing Canva

6.Facebook Business Page

• Facebook Business Intro
• Create a Facebook Business Page
• Optimize a Business Page
• Set Call to Action
• Set Messaging option
• Add Services
• Facebook Business Page Insights

7.LinkedIn Company Page

• Important of LinkedIn Company Page
• Create a LinkedIn Company Page
• Complete Optimization of a LinkedIn Company

8.YouTube Channel

• Important of YouTube in Local SEO
• Create a YouTube Channel
• Complete Optimization of a YouTube Channel
• Associate Website into YouTube
• Create a Video for you Business
• Optimize the Video for your Channel
• YouTube SEO
• Video Marketing

9. white hat SEO checklist for Pinterest Business Account

• Why you need Pinterest?
• Create a Business account for Pinterest
• What is Board?
• What is Pin?

10.Google My Business (GMB) for Local Business

• How to Determine If Your Business Is Already
• Adding Your Business If It’s Not Already Listed
• Google’s Guidelines for Listing on Google My
• GMB Optimization & Verification
• The Importance of Google Reviews
• The Quickest and Easiest Way to Get Reviews
• GMB Maintenance

11.Keyword Research Step by Step

• Brainstorming Your Keywords
• How to find Related SEO terms and Related    

• Keyword Research tools
• Have a sneak look at the top organic keywords
  of your competitors.
• Determining how easily we can rank for specific
• What is KGR (Keyword Golden Ration)
• Keyword cannibalization
• Local business keyword research

12.On-Page Optimization

• Keyword Density, Keyword Prominence &
Keyword Proximity
• Title
• Meta Tag
• Heading
• Anchor Text
• Internal & External Linking
• Image Optimization
• Content

13.WordPress Site Creation & SEO

• Introduction of cPanel
• WordPress Installation
• Introduction of WordPress Dashboard
• WordPress Page & Post
• WordPress Category
• WordPress Theme Customization
• Create a Complete Website
• WordPress SEO Plugin
• WordPress Page Optimization with Yoast SEO

14.E-commerce SEO

• Title Tag Optimization
• Meta Tag Optimization
• URL/Permalink
• Heading Tag
• Image Optimization
• Content Optimization

15.Technical SEO

– Google crawl and index
– Canonical tag
– SSL Certificate
– Mobile Friendly
– Sitemap
– Robots.txt
– Page Loading Speed
– Structure Data Markup (Schema)

16.Google Algorithm

– What is Algorithm?
– Mobile-First Index
– Panda
– Penguin
– Fred
– Rank Brain

17.Off-Page Optimization

-What is Backlink
– Link Attributes
– Blog Commenting
– Guest Posting
– Q/A
– Forum Posting
– Broken Link Building
– Create compelling Infographics
-Improve Social Signals
– Directory Submission
– Video Marketing
– Link Roundup Posts

18.Google Search Console

– Google Search Console add and verification.
– Performance
– URL Inspection
– Coverage
– Submit a Sitemap
– Mobile usability


Is SEO helpful for your website?

SEO is a most powerful technique to rank your website and also get more traffic. If you have a website ! Then you can hire a expert for your site. If you need any theme customization for your site then you can hire a Web developer.

Where i can find keyword research free tools?

Keyword research is most important part of SEO.
There are many sites are providing free tools for keyword research. For keyword research you can use Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, Smrush, Kw finder, Small SEO tool, Google ads etc. You can find keyword manually by analyzing your competitor and how much people are searches for the keyword you selected.

Which plugin is best for on page SEO?

WordPress provides lot’s of on page plugin. But maximum WordPress user chose YOAST SEO plugin. It is so helpful for on page analysis, readability and also it provides Structure Data Markup (schema), xml sitemap etc.

what is white hat SEO checklist?

A SEO beginner try to know about SEO and also know legal method of SEO. If you want to know the legal method that is called white hat SEO checklist.

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